1. Name of the Company Complete Address: Tel: Fax: Email: 2. Type of Company: LLC Sole Proprietorship Partnership Other 03. Year of Formation / Establishment: 04. Names of Directors / Owners: Contact Person: 05. Total Turn Over : 06. Types of Business Currently involved Manufacturing Yes No Trading Yes No Other Yes No 07. Lines of Business Unconnected with Automative Industry: 08. Area of Operations : 09. Is a distribution network already in place for any product: Yes No 10. Number of vehicles used in the distribution system: 11. Number of people used in the distribution system: 12. Total Number of People Employed: 13. Current or Previous Experience of Distributing Lubricants: 14. Brands that were / are being distributed: 16. 15. Size and Number of Warehouses: 15. 16. Volume of Business in Lubricants: M.Tons: Drums: Cartons: 17. Direct Imports by Company: Srs: 18. Anticipated Turnover in Lubricants: 19. Do you require credit: Yes No 20. If credit required - Specify: AmountPeriod 21. Your Bankers : 22. Can we approach your bankers for reference: Yes No 23. If yes to the above, please provide Account no: 24. Can you establish L/C or Bank Guarantee: Yes No 25. Please Specify Amount: 26. Trade References: Customer: Supplier: 27. Please feel free to add any further information that you think is relevant :