Therm Oils are high performance products intended for use in closed indirect heating installations. They are formulated from highly refined base stocks that are resistant to thermal cracking and chemical oxidation. They have good heat transfer efficiency and their viscosities are such that they can be pumped readily at both start-up and operating temperatures. It is used as a heating medium and can operate at a maximum temperature of 300 oC in an enclosed system using forced circulation.


Therm oil can be used in open and closed installations where the bulk oil temperature ranges are as outlined in the table below and where minimum shutdown temperatures are not below -7ºC.
Bulk Oil Temperature Ranges for Closed Systems (-7 oC to 285 oC), Open Systems (-7 C to 150 oC)
Bulk Oil Temperature Ranges for Closed Systems (-7 oC to 315 oC), Open Systems (-7 C to 180 oC)
Closed, cold-oil sealed, indirect heating and cooling systems in all kinds of industrial processes operating at bulk oil temperatures up to the maximum temperatures quoted in the table above and at atmospheric pressure.
Open systems provided the bulk temperatures do not exceed the maximum temperatures quoted in the table above.

• High resistance to thermal cracking and decomposition
• Excellent thermal properties
• Good thermal and oxidative stability
• Good low temperature fluidity